Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Democratic Caucus was held last night at the Ilion Municipal building and Mrs. Donna Felker was nominated by an enthusiastic group to run for the open Trustee position in the upcoming Village election.

Mrs. Aileen Sweeney served as Caucus Chairperson and Mary Lupinski was the Caucus Secretary.

When the official business of the caucus was concluded, Donna talked about her experiances in the business world and her qualifications for the job of trustee. Campaign plans were also discussed and all those present were urged to help get out thier friends and neighbors to vote for Mrs. Felker.

The official paperwork of the caucus will be filed with the Village Clerk in the next few days and the race will be on!

The first campaign event, A Meet the Candidate Happy Hour, hosted by Barb Wainwright will take place Friday night at Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright's home.

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